EmotionFit Specialties:
Targeted Solutions for Your Emotional Fitness needs
Our Specialties
Anxiety is caused by unprocessed emotions which are triggered in situations or relationships. We help you feel and process those emotions so you can end your anxiety where it starts.
Depression is caused by emotions turned inward. We help you build your capacity to feel your emotions outwards, so they don’t get internalized into depression. Start feeling better today.
Traumatic events can trigger intense and conflicting emotions, which can lead to symptoms if not dealt with. We assess your emotional injuries and guide you through the emotional rehab process.
Relational Conflict
Overwhelming emotions can leave us flooded and reactive; avoided emotions can leave us relationally distant or withdrawn. We help you process and share your emotions so can be calm and connected.
Family Conflict
As teens and young adults develop, they can struggle to process their emotions. Tension and conflict in the family can result. We help families understand and express their feelings in productive ways.
We get to the core of your OCD symptoms, the unresolved feelings and traumas that these symptoms are trying to avoid. This goes deeper than standard approaches (ERP) and provides a more lasting cure.
We have built-in healing mechanisms for loss. But these can get blocked, leaving us stuck in grief or emotionally numb. We help you process the emotions about the loss so your natural recovery process can restart.
When we can’t bear what we feel, we can turn to addictions to help us numb or escape. We help you build emotional strength and resilience so you can overcome addiction and stay that way.
Success comes easy for some, but it can feel impossible for others—like we can’t help but get in our own way. What if you could remove the internal force that keeps you stuck? We know how. Let us help.
Personality Disorders
We work deep, so the changes get to the core. That’s what’s required with personality disorders. We help you improve your sense of self, your trust in others, and your abilty to feel calm even in the midst of strong feelings.
Body Pain
Unprocessed emotions can be held in the body, leading to muscle pain, aches, fatigue, stomach problems, and many other physical symptoms. We help you identify and resolve any contributing emotional factors.
Religious Trauma
Some traumas are worse than others. And when your spiritual community hurts you, and justifies it with religious doctrines or scriptures, it can be disorienting, and hard to heal. We feel your pain. And we can help.
Spiritual Disconnection
Blocked emotions can leave us feeling disconnected from ourselves, others, and even our spirituality. We help you overcome these barriers and reconnect with your deepest self.
Faith-Based Counseling
At EmotionFit, we have specialists who can help you think about your problems from a faith-based lens, and to come up with solutions that align with your deepest-held values.
ISTDP Therapy
Our therapeutic approach is designed to get at the core of your difficulties as efficiently as possible. This helps us maximize your benefit in the least amount of time and cost. It’s like having a personal trainer for your emotions.
EMDR Therapy
Emotional processing is our specialty. We create a relationship where you can safely target and heal the emotional wounds and negative belief systems connected to specific traumas and memories.
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A better future is possible. Contact us to learn more about our mission and work, or to get connected with one of our therapists.