Self-defeating mental and behavioral patterns which interfere with functioning and productivity.
Caused by unprocessed emotions (especially guilt), which pull a person toward self-punishment and away from self-care.
Triggered by traumas, events, or relationships
Leads to symptoms and impairments in functioning.
Cured by processing underlying guilt-laden emotions, which replaces self-punishing impulses with self-caring ones.
Have you ever felt like despite your best efforts to do good for yourself, you always end up failing?
Like no matter what you do, things go wrong for you?
As if some invisible force is working against you, pulling you towards self-defeat?
It might take the form of an addiction you can’t get over. A bad relationship you can’t get out of. A goal that you are never able to achieve.
Self-sabotage symptoms can include:
Persistent poor or dysfunctional relationships (including cheating or infidelity)
Chronic underperformance in your career
Feeling like you are bad or don’t deserve success or happiness
Perpetual depression or anxiety.
Lack of positive motivation
Failure to achieve positive goals (e.g., working out)
Frequent financial problems
Difficulty asserting oneself
Common associated diagnoses:
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Other-Specified or Unspecified Personality Disorder
Why does this happen?
What is this driving force which blocks our best intentions?
What is the emotional energy which drags against our pursuit of success?
In a word? GUILT.
Unprocessed, unconscious guilt lies at the core of all self-defeat.
It’s like carrying around a crime that you can never let go. Like being a criminal who must be punished.
While the punishment can take many forms, the results are always the same: suffering and chronic failure. Because deep down, you feel that’s what you deserve
So what can we do?
At EmotionFit, we don’t just encourage you to care for yourself. If you are like most, you’ve heard this message a thousand times. And it’s done nothing.
Instead, we help you access, uncover, and process unresolved guilt and other guilt-laden feelings which are the internal motivational core of your self-sabotage.
Most people have no idea they are carrying guilt. And that’s the point. The guilt is repressed out of awareness, and it’s channeled into self-defeat.
So we help people identify where their guilt originated (typically past traumas), what triggers it in the present, and what to do to heal it.
Once these unconscious processes shift, you’ll be amazed at the changes that follow.
Rather than feeling like you are constantly swimming up stream, positive changes will begin to naturally flow. You’ll hardly need to work at it.
What felt like it would take an unbearable amount of effort, now can be accomplished easily. Why?
Because the guilt is healed, the penalty for the crime has been paid, and the self is forgiven.
Don’t let self-sabotage continue to ruin your life.
Contact a therapist and let us help you take off the chains.
And for a FREE home program with detailed exercises and instructions on how to identify your triggers and process your emotions, check out our emotional fitness program.