Mind-Body Pain
(Our approach outperforms many therapies for pain; for more info about the research evidence, click here.)
Mind-Body Pain:
Physical pain typically falling into one of three categories: muscle tension, stomach/bowel problems, or cognitive and perceptual difficulties.
Caused by unprocessed emotions which are pushed into the body.
Triggered by events or relationships
Leads to symptoms and impairments in functioning.
Cured by processing the emotions underlying the pain.
Our approach outperforms many therapies for pain, for more info see:
Have you ever had a nagging body pain that wouldn’t go away? And no matter how many times it was assessed by doctors, they could never find a cause?
Physical symptoms can sometimes be complex in nature. And sometimes it just takes a while to find an accurate diagnosis.
But many times, when medical assessments can’t find a physical cause or a cure, the body pain is a result of emotional factors.
In fact, there is a large body of evidence that has now confirms this fact.
And there are now evidence-based treatments that have been found to be effective at reducing or eliminating symptoms that medical treatments failed to address.
At our mind and body pain clinic, mind-body pain symptoms can include:
Mind-body pain symptoms can include:
Tension symptoms
tension headaches
back pain
chest pain
teeth grinding/jaw pain
shortness of breath
Gut/bowel symptoms
acid reflux/GERD
irritable bowel syndromes
stomach pain
Perceptual symptoms
blurry vision/double vision/tunnel vision
ears ringing (tinnitus)
phantom pain
memory loss/mental confusion
These perceptual symptoms can also be caused by physical or structural damage or dysfunction with related tissues. This is why we encourage you to get medically evaluated to assess for these factors. If your symptoms are related to the head, neck, ear, nose, or throat, the doctors and providers at CALHNS (California Head & Neck Specialists) are a great option for this type of evaluation. If you are medically cleared, or those pieces have been successfully treated but you are still having symptoms, then we can move forward with EmotionFit to address the emotional and/or nervous-system-related factors that are causing or worsening your symptoms.
Common associated diagnoses:
Somatic Symptom Disorders
Psychophysiologic Disorders
Functional Somatic Disorders
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Psychological Factors Affecting a Medical Condition
Factitious Disorder
So what can we do?
At EmotionFit, we start by assessing whether emotional factors are causing your body pain.
We look at if your symptoms began at the same time as traumatic events, or during times when strong emotions may have been triggered.
And as we explore your feelings about those events, we see whether your symptoms fluctuate as you experience different emotions.
Then as we help you work with your emotions, we assess whether your pain resolves with emotional processing.
If so, we can be confident that there are emotional factors influencing your symptoms. And we outline a path for treatment which addresses the associated emotions so your pain can resolve.
Thousands of people who had given up hope of ever feeling better have now seen their pain go away.
Don’t let unprocessed emotions keep you in pain.
Contact a therapist and get started feeling better today.
And for a FREE home program with detailed exercises and instructions on how to identify your triggers and process your emotions, check out our emotional fitness program.